My first eBook is coming out soon!
I’ll be giving it away to my mailing list, so subscribe now if you haven’t yet.
The month of June has just zipped by. This is my first post for July and it just had to be a promotion, didn’t it? Anyway, just letting you know that I’m currently working on my first eBook, which I will be giving away for free to Techmanagement.Life’s mailing list. If you haven’t signed up for the mailing list, you can do so here and be one of the first to receive a copy.
The book will talk about one of the least desirable, far too rarely talked about, but ultimately game-changing aspects of management. I’m talking about dealing with risks and uncertainty. For the lack of a more creative title, I’m tentatively (maybe even permanently) calling it “ Risk Management Crash Course”. (Hey, if you have suggestions on a more creative title, feel free to leave a comment!)
I’ve touched on the subject quite a bit in this blog, particularly in this article. This book will go into a lot more detail and tell a few hopefully interesting and insightful stories to better illustrate the concepts I talk about.
Now that uncertainty seems to be the default in both the business world and our personal lives, I thought this would be timely. Almost no one saw this pandemic coming until it was pretty much too late. Now we’re just trying our best to deal with its impact. We were warned years before of the risks but no one really gave much thought to managing it.
I think with what we now know, there will be a lot more consideration for this particular looming possibility in the future. At least, I hope so.
Here’s a quick excerpt from the work in progress:
Planning is something people, managers included, may love or hate doing. But even those who love to plan often fall into a trap — they fall in love with the plan to the point of sometimes being blinded to what could go wrong.
Uncertainty is a fact of life, but it’s something we often don’t pay enough regard to. Most people just don’t want to deal with it and it’s no surprise why. Things would be so much simpler and a lot less stressful if there was one clear path we could take to success. Experienced managers, however, know that this just doesn’t fit the reality of things. No matter how much we plan, we can only hope to come to a close enough guess.
- From my upcoming eBook, (tentatively titled) “Risk Management Crash Course”
I’m hoping to get this book out by August so stay tuned!
Sign up for my mailing list to get this book for free once it’s out! Also, if there are questions you might have about dealing with risks, feel free to leave a comment. I would love to cover some additional topics in this book.
Originally published at on July 9, 2020.